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La convivencia de la era digital y el mundo retail

The coexistence of the digital era and the retail world

Hamilton Global presents in a round table the main conclusions of its study, carried out for the Spanish Association of Shopping Centers and Parks (AECC) on how shopping centers are coexisting with the digital era. The main conclusions are...
La era de la tecnología – Inmediatez e insatisfacción

The age of technology – Immediacy and dissatisfaction

The use of technology has a highly positive effect on the adaptability, interrelation and execution of any process in terms of time and thus savings in planning, production, logistics and intermediation. Expressed like this in business terms...
La transformación de la información en conocimiento

The transformation of information into knowledge

La realidad es que las empresas están expuestas cada día a gestionar una cantidad indecente de información con la que formular la estrategia que de alguna manera les debe llevar al éxito, es decir, maximizar su beneficio. Como afirma Manuel Castells “tenemos que...
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