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The age of technology – Immediacy and dissatisfaction

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The use of technology has a highly positive effect on the adaptability, interrelation and execution of any process in terms of time and thus savings in planning, production, logistics and intermediation. Expressed this way in business or business terms but we can transfer it to our daily life in any area, whether to book a trip, have an appointment, look for a job, post personal photos, express an opinion, raise our indignation at a relevant fact, configure our favorite car or buy any item delivered in less than two hours, etc.

We live in a fast, increasingly faster society, with an adaptability to change that is increasingly spaced out over time, where the instant messaging revolution has led us to almost infinite connectivity with any person in any remote place on the Earth's sphere. and to any time zone.

This immediacy changes the structure of organizations, but above all it changes the way human beings interact and relate.

The big question is, how does the brain, information processing, and psychological traits adapt to this new model?

Does immediacy negatively affect the brain?

Neurologists, sociologists and psychologists agree that this poorly understood immediacy can cause frustration when the demand is maximum. A generation accustomed to “I want it now, immediately” will lead to a structure of behavior, attitude, aptitude, purchasing management, relating to friends or family and projection in a work environment very different from the current one.

It is essential that the educational system and the family environment try to minimize this frustration effect since otherwise we will have a society made up of human beings and everything that does not happen in the next 5 minutes will not be valid, turning us into beings of instantaneous life. where deadlines and planning will take an absolutely secondary place.

How will this affect a work environment? According to human resources experts, it is increasingly difficult for someone to think about a medium-long term project. For a new generation where 6 months can be an eternity if we see it from their vital sequence of immediacy, how is this frustration of wanting to “progress” quickly in a professional environment going to be delimited and analyzed?


Many questions arise from the perspective of a new relational model between people and where immediacy can lead to a state of permanent anxiety due to wanting everything to be instantaneous. Business models must take this into account since it is not the one who does the worst who will lose, but the one who takes the longest to adapt. Projects that are frustrated by speed, if you don't do it someone else will be doing it tomorrow, sorry, in a few hours.

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