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Profile of pet guardians in Spain in «The afternoon of the sector»

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Article published in the digital magazine for pet and aquarium trade professionals EspeciesPRO


Iberzoo+Propet served to showcase the latest developments and products from companies related to the care and health of pets, but also to learn more about the sector.
During the Sector Afternoon, held within the framework of the fair, two reports were presented:


estudio animales


  1. One prepared by Aedpac and Hamilton Global Intelligence, on the profiles of the so-called pet parents in Spain
  2. An advance of the annual study prepared by the Madrid Association of Companion Animal Veterinarians (AMVAC) on the economic situation of the veterinary sector.

Five types of pet parents

Currently, 49% of the Spanish population shares their life with a pet. Of these, 39% of households call themselves pet parents, people who consider their pets part of the family. Within this general categorization, the report distinguishes five types of pet parents.


March, 2024

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