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Willingness to pay: Análisis Conjoint, BPTO y MaxDiff

Willingness to pay: Conjoint Analysis, BPTO and MaxDiff

One of the most important points in product development is understanding the value perceived by consumers as it is the basis for establishing strategic prices and maximizing profits. Willingness to Pay (WTP), or willingness to pay, is a concept...
Visión Prospectiva: Estudios Predictivos

Prospective Vision: Predictive Studies

La analítica predictiva es una metodología que utiliza técnicas estadísticas, matemáticas y de aprendizaje automático para predecir futuros eventos o tendencias en el mercado. Se basa en el análisis de datos históricos y en la identificación de patrones y relaciones...
La convivencia de la era digital y el mundo retail

The coexistence of the digital era and the retail world

Hamilton Global presents in a round table the main conclusions of its study, carried out for the Spanish Association of Shopping Centers and Parks (AECC) on how shopping centers are coexisting with the digital era. The main conclusions are...
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