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Willingness to pay: Conjoint Analysis, BPTO and MaxDiff

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One of the most important points in product development is understanding the value perceived by consumers as it is the basis for establishing strategic prices and maximizing profits. Willingness to Pay (WTP) is a fundamental concept that helps companies determine how much customers are willing to pay for a product or service. Below, we'll explore how conjoint analysis, Best Price Test Offer (BPTO), and MaxDiff can reveal WTP and unlock hidden value in your target market.


What is Conjoint Analysis for? Preferences and Relative Value

Conjoint analysis is a highly powerful and widely used marketing research technique for understanding consumer preferences and determining how they value different attributes of a product or service. In conjoint analysis, respondents are presented with different combinations of attributes, such as product features, prices, and packaging options. Respondents must rank or choose their preferred option among the different combinations presented.


Conjoint analysis uses statistical methods to decompose consumer preferences and calculate the relative importance of each attribute. By obtaining data on respondents' choices, consumers' preferences can be determined, as well as the relative impact of each attribute on their purchasing decisions. This helps companies understand which features are most valuable to consumers and how to adjust prices and offers accordingly.


Best Price Test Offer (BPTO): How to discover the optimal price?

The Best Price Test Offer, or BPTO, is a methodology that combines conjoint analysis with direct price evaluation to determine the optimal price of a product or service. In a BPTO, in addition to presenting different combinations of attributes, specific pricing options are included for each combination. Respondents must evaluate and choose the combination of attributes and prices that they consider most attractive.

By analyzing the data collected in a BPTO, companies can identify the balance point between demand and price. This allows them to set prices that maximize profits and market acceptance. The BPTO is especially useful in determining how changes in prices affect consumer preferences and whether there is a price range in which greater interest and demand is generated.


MaxDiff: Prioritizing Consumer Preferences

MaxDiff (Maximum Difference Scaling) is a research technique that allows consumers to express their preferences by choosing between multiple options. Instead of ranking options from best to worst, as in conjoint analysis, in MaxDiff respondents are asked to choose the best and worst option from a given set.

The MaxDiff is particularly useful for prioritizing consumer preferences and understanding which attributes or characteristics are most important to them. By analyzing the data collected, companies can identify the most and least valued attributes, allowing them to make informed decisions about pricing and product differentiation.

Taking all of the above into account, we can conclude that Willingness to Pay (WTP) is a fundamental metric for establishing effective pricing strategies and maximizing profits. Through conjoint analysis, Best Price Test Offer (BPTO) and MaxDiff, companies can reveal WTP and unlock hidden value in their target market. These marketing research techniques provide valuable information about consumer preferences and behaviors, enabling informed decisions in pricing and product differentiation.

Conjoint analysis, in particular, is a powerful tool for decomposing consumer preferences and calculating the relative value of attributes. The BPTO allows determining the optimal price by combining conjoint analysis with direct price evaluation. On the other hand, MaxDiff helps prioritize consumer preferences and determine which attributes are most valuable.

These techniques are just some of the ones you can use to gather valuable information to understand your consumers and offer them the best option, validated directly by them. At Hamilton Global we are ready to help you with the necessary information. Contact us!

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