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WEBINAR Presentación de los resultados completos del estudio.

WEBINAR Presentation of the complete results of the study.

El martes 28 de mayo de 2024 presentamos los resultados del primer Barómetro sobre los nuevos hábitos y perfiles de petparents en España, desarrollado en colaboración con AEDPAC (Asociación Española de la Industria y el Comercio del Animal de Compañía). Durante el...
La importancia de Mental Availability para marca

The importance of Mental Availability for branding

In today's competitive market, where consumers are bombarded by endless options and messages, it is essential to ensure that your brand stays top of mind. Amid the hustle and bustle of marketing strategies...
SYNTHETIC DATA: Potencial y Precauciones

SYNTHETIC DATA: Potential and Cautions

Synthetic data represents one of the most important innovations for the field of marketing research, offering a number of significant advantages. First, they provide invaluable privacy protection by eliminating...
Grabación webinar revolución de la alta velocidad en España

Webinar recording high speed revolution in Spain

On October 19, the webinar took place where Hamilton Global Intelligence, together with Columna Branding and Iryo, presented the case study presented at the ESOMAR Congress in Amsterdam on September 11, 2023. An excellent opportunity to understand...
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