Segmentation for Growth and Buyer Persona

Identify and understand different groups or client segments through a quialitative and quantitative research.

Brand image, Positioning and Engineering

Analyzes and evaluates the perception and position of your brand on the mind of the consumers. Understand how the brand is perceived in comparison to your competitors and identify opportunity areas.

Suivi de la santé de la marque

Continuous behavior analysis of your customers. How they shop and use your category, what they think and the feelings your brand transmits.

Stratégie de prix

Defines the optimal pricing strategy to strengthen your position on the market and that allows you to gain your clients’ trust.

Market Sizing

Identifies growth opportunities through the quantification of the size and comprehension of the market structure.

Utilisateurs et attitudes (U&A)

Obtain detailed information about the necessities, preferences and behaviours of the consumers regarding your category and brand.

Willingness to pay (Conjoint Analysis, BPTO, Maxdiff)

Obtain information about the preferences and the disposition of the consumers to pay for different characteristics or attributes of a product.

Modélisation du mix marketing

Statistical method to determine the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns, taking into account each one of the tactics and promotional activities, such as other uncontrollable factors success motivators.

Message recall /test

Test the effectiveness and reach of the publicity, through a publicity recall.

Analyses prédictives

Prediction of future events or trends through the use of historical data and advanced statistical techniques.

Parcours client

Understand the necessities, expectations and behaviors of your clients through their experience by analyzing the contact points and key interactions.

Huff Model

Establishes a theory based on the probability principle which is given to a certain consumer, visiting and shopping in a certain situation, taking into account the distance, attraction and comparing the same factors as the competition.

Shopper research

Create activities and specific programs for each shopper profile through the comprehension of the consumers, what they think, their beliefs, their before and after in-store shopping experience behavior.

POS Analytics

In depth analysis of each point of sell, collecting essential data of the consumer behavior and shopping trends.

Customer Satisfaction & Loyalty

Are your customers satisfied? Would they buy back from your business? Identify your customer’s needs, preferences and expectations in order to know your areas of improvement and innovation.

NPS, score net de promoteur

The main objective of the Net Promoter Score is to evaluate the client’s disposition of recommending a company to other people, which is considered an indicator of their fidelity and general perception of the quality of the product or service.

Analyse des pilotes KDA

Analyze the importance of each attribute to recognize the most important ones in order to allocate your resources into the ones where they’ll have the biggest impact.

La pensée de conception

Tackle unknown problems, reframed into human-centric ways and focus on what’s important for the users which allows to create a long-lasting value proposition for the customers.

Analyse sémiotique

Semiotics is the study of signs and sign processes, from cultural representations. Understanding this change is a valuable tool to complement other consumer insights methods, yet more so as an observation of the signs and their meanings. It’s valuable to identify emerging trends and opportunities and to enhance inclusivity and exclusivity.

Immersion ethnographique

This technique is the deepest investigation of consumer lifestyle as they are highly-detailed explorations of why and how consumers think and behave.

Travaux à réaliser

This theory provides a framework for defining, categorizing, capturing, and organizing all your customers’ needs and provide the product or service they need accordingly.

Digital behavior

Analyze acts or actions of consumers within the digital world that can be observed through measurement tools or behavioral analysis. It is a relevant factor to evaluate why a user acts in a certain way, anticipate behaviors and detect possible gaps in the purchase process.

App, e-commerce, social media analytics

Collect and analyze audience data shared on social networks to improve an organization’s strategic business decisions.

Modélisation prédictive

Statistical technique to predict future behavior. These solutions are a form of data-mining technology that works by analyzing historical and current data and generating a model to help predict future outcomes.

Smart and Big Data

We analyze and manage data in order to improve operations, provide better customer service, and create more targeted campaigns with the goal to further increase revenue and profit.

Supervised and unsupervised learning modeling

Types of machine learning models designed to make accurate predictions based on labeled and unlabeled data (Depending on the model) in order to discover patterns, relationships or structures.

Sustainability strategy

It involves creating a distinctive identity based on ethical values and social and environmental responsibility, generating trust and loyalty with consumers through responsible and conscious practices.

Creating brand purpose

It consists of defining its purpose beyond economic benefit. It involves identifying and communicating its core mission and values, emotionally connecting with consumers by showcasing the positive impact it aims to generate on society and the world.

Sustainable positioning

It involves positioning the brand as a leader in offering sustainable and responsible solutions, highlighting its commitment to the environment and society to attract and retain conscious customers committed to the well-being of the planet.

Global market research solutions

Specialists in exploring and getting to know the consumer

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