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Purchasing process U&A and buyer behavior


Our client needed to know in depth the behavior of the shopper in the pharmacy, understanding the entire purchasing process, from the origin of the need to the purchase and repurchase decision and quantifying the category decision tree.



Qualitative in-depth study to understand consumer behavior regarding the category under study and the associated missions. In this phase we also study the pharmaceutical target to delve deeper into the drivers and recommendation tree of sales brands in the pharmacy channel.

A combination of traditional qualitative techniques was carried out together with ethnography and eye tracking.


In a second stage we use multivariate statistical techniques to define the shopper's purchase decision tree and obtain a real photograph of the purchase decision process before and during the visit to the point of sale.



Redefinition of future strategies in the category and attraction of new users.

Redistribution of products in the pharmacy and optimization of communication investment in it.

Optimization and training of the commercial network during visits to the pharmacy office.

Increased presence in the media through the launch of advertising campaigns that increased the notoriety of the brand and, secondarily, the market share.

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