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Large Consumption


Baseline and Segmentation Study in Spain, Italy, Russia and Nigeria 



NOur client needed to understand in depth the uses, attitudes, purchasing habits, consumption and culinary habits in its main countries of operation: Spain, Italy, Russia and Nigeria, identifying a strategic segmentation based on attitudinal, lifestyle and sociodemographic variables that allowed the client determine the best value proposition to maximize the volume and penetration potential of the brand in each segment. 


In-depth study of the main phases of the food purchasing and preparation process using qualitative and quantitative techniques. Multivariate analyzes such as Chi-squared Automatic Interaction Detector, LOGIT, analysis Cluster Hierarchical, analysis Cluster Non-Hierarchical and Homogeneities analysis to define a segmentation strategy. 

The key elements that defined individuals were analyzed based on their tendency towards innovative foods and 'fine tuning' of the clusters more innovative. 


Perfect identification and location of segments. The project involved the entire organization and a convention was held to present the segments to the main departments that would interact with them: trade, sales, marketing departments, communication, relationships public, etc. 

This project was later complemented with other more operational studies that detected the potential of new innovative concepts that covered these market niches. 

The brand launched a new product that became a total launch success in the industry. retail with a penetration rate between 70% and 80%, depending on the country. 


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