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Analysis of Brand Value in a Competitive Market – Brazil, Germany, and the United States

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One of the leading online image bank platforms sought to gain a deeper understanding of user profiles regarding their knowledge, practices, habits, preferences, and the attributes most valued both overall and in relation to their own brand.

A comprehensive analysis of the brand’s image, value, identity, and positioning (both rational and emotional) was necessary in comparison to its main competition.

Another essential aspect to comprehend was understanding how consumers reach them and vice versa.

Study Methodology

A Uses and Attitudes study was conducted in the 3 countries of interest (Germany, Brazil, and the United States). Two interesting research profiles were identified, and the main usage decision factors were recognized, considering both brand and competitor satisfaction.

  • Qualitative Research: Focus groups with the brand’s target audience to evaluate its visual identity.
  • Ad-hoc Quantification: Online interviews with the brand’s target audience to determine its key performance indicators (KPIs) and those of the competition.

Insights on the Study of Users and Attitudes

What did we discover?

  • Top 5 personality attributes
  • Top 5 reasons for using the brand
  • Relationship between solution and brand
  • Perception of the brand

The brand has intelligently built its own distinctive territory, moving away from the positioning of some leading brands in the sector.

We successfully defined key attributes to make the brand more appealing, considering that it is perceived as having well-identified resources from the country or region.

During the analysis, we found that users tend to use multiple brands, so we couldn’t focus on a one-size-fits-all solution. Therefore, we presented a matrix that relates both concepts.

In conclusion, we identified the elements that should be integrated into the positioning to give the brand an inspiring perception and make it a useful brand.

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