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Energy and Industry


Segmentation strategy, prediction of permeable targets and definition of the pricing strategy in Brazil, Mexico and Colombia 


Historically, our client had set its communication strategy on the “Comfort” variable, but at that time this strategy did not allow it to attract more clients. The main objective of the study was to obtain strategic lines for the future that favor the registration of new clients and maintain the relationship with current clients in the healthcare, as well as defining the optimal pricing strategy that would allow maximizing demand levels in each segment.



Ethnographic research and creative workshops to define the main drivers and barriers that identify the relationship with energy in the home and, specifically, identifying positive arguments for installing energy in the near future and establishing the relevant variables that influence the decision. 


Subsequent quantitative research using a predictive model (regression, discrimination and analysis techniques). scoring) to define the main clusters permeability to the energy market analyzed. Through the main variables that identify the segments, an algorithm was built that identified each cluster (permeability to contract energy in the next two years) and the predictors (discriminant variables in the analysis).
Through the Adaptive Choice Based Conjoint The optimal pricing strategy was determined. 


Reorientation of the communication strategy in each of the countries based on understanding energy as an emotional budget, achieving a mental space and its link with our specific offer through the power of evocation of our brand in the home. 'Family', 'protection', 'pleasure' and 'freedom' were values with a high potential for emotional power. 

Obtaining a price simulator that allowed our client to simulate different scenarios depending on the offers in each segment and country (taking into account factors such as price, messages, additional services, etc.).

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