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Content does matter

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The advertising saturation and the audience fragmentation, together with a super-informed and very selective consumer profile, suggest reinventing the terms of commercial communication. Today's consumer has all the information they need just a few clicks away. Unless we have something interesting to offer, communication failure is guaranteed. Even if what we have to say is interesting, if it's not the right time, they won't listen to us either.

Although they have not fallen into disuse, far from it, today there are much more revolutionary and productive ways of communicating with our target audience than launching messages with great fanfare in as many mass media as possible. The advance of telecommunications and the diversification of existing devices and platforms open up a new range of possibilities to reconnect with a consumer immune to all types of advertising stimuli.

Much is said today about Inbound Marketing or the Engagement Marketing (Commitment Marketing). And no matter how technical and complicated the term may be, it is nothing more than placing the consumer at the center of the scene and giving them all the leading role. Know how to listen to him and give him exactly what he needs and when he needs it. No more interruptions, intrusive messages, advertising oversaturation and indiscriminate e-mailing.

If we know our target minimally, if we know what their motivations and interests are, their worries, their concerns,... what are we waiting for to interact with them?

What it is about here is generating true interest through content, attracting our audience with value propositions, giving them something in exchange for their attention. What less in exchange for something as valuable as your time. Let us also offer the possibility of interacting, not only with us, but with other people. Let them speak and give their opinion, with and about us. Let's generate viral content, likely to be shared. Let's try to manage all this flow of emotions, both positive and negative. Because let's not fool ourselves, if we talk about communicating, we are talking about emotions. Let's establish a relationship with them, a lasting one, one of trust.

And since things are not like before, it is no longer enough for us to be in a single medium, on a single screen. We must be present in all of them, but without forgetting the most important thing: the consumer. Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Google+, Pinterest, Instagram... we will be there where he is, but always generating value and letting him come to us. Because in addition to attracting our consumers and making them our best prescribers, content adds value to our brand. We can settle for being a simple salesperson who is turned to when an urgent need arises or an expert in our sector with whom we are in constant contact, in constant interaction, to whom we turn to resolve our doubts or concerns.
Blogging, Content Marketing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media, web analytics, ...All our efforts must be directed towards the creation of quality content for our consumers (current and potential) and that they receive them with interest and even gratitude. In exchange for accessing this content we will obtain valuable Leads. Another technicality is nothing more than a person with manifest interest in our products or services willing to provide us with some of their personal data in exchange for periodically receiving some type of content: newsletters, podcasts, videos, infographics, ebooks, whitepapers,...

We can also distinguish between cold and hot leads, depending on whether it is the first time you have downloaded some type of content or you have already shown your interest on several occasions. This distinction allows us, for example, to identify which users are closest to becoming customers. At the same time, we can progressively and individually personalize the content and segment our database, getting to know our consumers better and better based on the content they access so that finally, and without interrupting their lives, we offer them just what what they need when they need it.

The second edition of “Inbound Marketing Made in Madrid” was recently held with presentations by true experts in the field. In the following video we can see how Pau Valdés, CEO of InboundCycle, explained how to create a recruitment channel with an Inbound Marketing strategy. 

Raul Hidalga

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