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Model Creation (KDA): Customer Journey Map & Brand Rating


A broad portfolio of shopping center management wants to build a model based on the optimal experience of visiting a shopping center (Customer Journey Map) by analyzing each of the stages, interactions, channels and elements (touchpoints). ) that a client goes through from an initial point to the end of the service that the client offers, as well as the definition of the factors that determine the value of their brand.

A model that allows for optimal investment of resources, both before the opening of a shopping center and in the renovations that are going to be carried out in it or in the normal development of its management, allowing for ad-hoc implementation. -hoc to the reality of each one of them and over time, as well as providing value to the different aspects that interact with the brand (communication, commercial mix, etc.).



Co-Creation Workshop

Joint work between the client's team (including managers, marketers, architects, marketing, operators...) and Hamilton to define the attributes to take into account in each of the touchpoints when deciding to visit a Shopping Center.

With this we manage to align expectations for the subsequent analysis and achieve transversality to all the people involved in the project.


Creation of the model that allows the ad-hoc quantification of the key factors

Quantify the image attributes of each of the previously worked touchpoints, to detect which attributes are the most important and have the greatest weight in the generation of the factor. Key Driver Analysis (KDA).


Implementation and adaptation to the reality of each shopping center

Application of the model to the reality of the shopping center in order to concretely establish those aspects in which it may need a greater/less investment according to the levels of satisfaction that it currently generates among its customers and throughout the year. time.


Define the portfolio of product and service attributes that are involved in visitor satisfaction.

Build the Customer Journey Map by analyzing each of the stages, interactions, channels and elements (touchpoint) that a customer goes through from an initial point to the end of the experience offered by the customer.

Analyze the evaluation/satisfaction with all the touchpoints of the shopping center, defining critical points and/or areas of priority improvement.

Quantify key attributes and their importance
with the objective of developing a Key Driver Analysis (KDA) that allows analyzing the key factors in each touchpoint and the transversal attributes that anticipate and define threats and opportunities.

Discover real needs and reasonable expectations that are insufficiently satisfied.

Define the attributes that come into play when establishing synergies between the shopping center and e-commerce (eg is it necessary to provide collection rooms for online purchases? Other services?...). As well as services that the center can provide to the operators (or that they can provide) of which the visitor is the main beneficiary.

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