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How to measure the health of your brand

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Just as those of us of a certain age are obliged to have a complete medical check-up every two years, we should do a “healthy” exercise that consists of looking at our marks to determine if they are optimally aligned in each of the points of the body. Brand Management with our performance in the market.

Looking at the health of our brands is essential to realize to what extent we are covering the needs of our consumers/users in their entirety and thus determine strengths and weaknesses that, as a SWOT matrix, define the strategic line to follow with the brand.

What should we analyze to analyze the health of your brand?

Brand Awareness 

Which defines the degree of notoriety of our brand in the market both spontaneously and suggested, this indicator must be referenced to our competitive environment to delimit whether or not we comply with the minimum requirements, in mature markets and brands that have a certain level of communication we should move around the 60% of spontaneous notoriety (with presence in the Top of Mind) and above the 80% in suggested notoriety.


Brand Impact 

It defines the level of effectiveness of the communication we carry out in any medium. The most important thing is that we define whether this communication strategy reaches what we define as our target audience or main value target of our brand or product.


Brand Imprint

Determines the level of image and brand positioning that we obtain in front of our audience, defining whether we are covering any perceptual gap in the market or if, on the contrary, we are at the fateful point (0.0) that leads us to brand indefinition. .


Brand Usage 

which helps us define the motivations, uses and, most importantly, the definition of the MDP (Mental Decision-Making Process) model, which is the mechanism for choosing our brand or the competition for that occasion of use or consumption. What is the choice-purchase behavior of our target audience? This question is fundamental to understanding our brand.

Brand Quality and Value Perceived

based on analyzing two levels, on the one hand, our commitment to service/product quality that should give us excellence in any market we operate in and on the other hand, determining a perfect balance for our value proposition through the analysis of the sensitivity to the price of our market.


Brand Desire 

It defines whether we cover the benefits sought in our brand by approximating the ideal perceived by the consumer/user. Not taken as a “compromise solution” in the positioning of the brand but as an individualized solution based on the different value segments that we attack.


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