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The passion for knowledge, the resurgence of Apollo

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Apollo was the Greek god of knowledge and should inspire us to achieve a new culture where knowledge and passion come together to create a new style of learning.

Learning is the means to transform and develop as a human being, knowledge makes us more complete beings.

The key values of this ethical spirit of learning as a central principle that unites a system of values and behaviors should be based on passion and freedom.

Passion as a purpose that gives us vital energy and freedom to escape from the work routine and organize life in terms of dynamic flows.

Those of us who consider ourselves entrepreneurs seek in the values of courage a new culture of learning, which from “individuality”, gives us passion, creativity, autonomy, independence and where we apply the formula used by John Grant:

Knowledge = Passion + Emotion + Entertainment

We do not base learning or knowledge solely on business successes or failures but on the idea of obtaining a strategic discourse before our clients (those who keep our spirit alive) that provides us with the formula of knowledge. It ultimately helps us to be better.

Plato said, “necessity is the mother of invention” and in these times it is an absolute truth. We have to reinvent the culture of market research to turn it into an axis of knowledge, “transforming information into learning”, avoiding the boring topics that make up a flat discourse.

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