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What is the Customer Journey?

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Vaig dir que aquest 2.3 trillion gigabytes d'informació són generats en el lloc web 24 hores? We leave a footprint amb every click, with every action, and with every application. All of this, multiplied by millions, and always treated in a aggregated way, which gives us a molt more accurate portrait than any other available information, this is real, tangible and strategic; we live in the era of 'Think fast'.

Until relatively recently, la available informacio de consumir or customer depeneu, in most cases, en la analysis of structured declarative data (surveys, consumer interviews, alyalty program, or service quality, etc.) ia no-declarative part that told us what the customer s'ha manifestat i que generat a first wave of what is called Business Intelligence, where structured data were worked on from databases created on consumption in telecommunications or energy, insurance contracting, banking, etc. Aquesta últim part ha fet radical turn en recents anys per a Big Data i elements com el telèfon mòbil, credit card shopping, social networks, web navigation or geolocation. No obstant això, la realitat de consumir que calla la 'customer journey', tots els moviments durant el període relational model entre el mercat, el mercat i el consumer himself, l'any 'touchpoint' del seu camí, entre purchase influencing elements to the purchase itself and future prescription of the product or service.

How to map a successful customer journey?

There is no universal formula on how to map a customer journey és la seva organització i indústria ha different needs, however, there are some common steps that all customers experience:

  • Awareness: The customer first learns about the brand. Aquest can happen mitjançant advertiment, word-of-mouth, or any other form of marketing.
  • Interest: El customer begins to become interested en els productes i els productes o serveis. Aquesta opció ha fet reading a review, seeing an ad, or talking to a friend who is already a customer.
  • Consideration: The customer begins to consider buying the brand. This may involve comparing prices, reading reviews, and asking for samples.
  • Decision: Els customers s'estableixen la decisió del que és o no és del brand. Aquesta decisió pot ser influenciada per la varietat de factors, la seva qualitat, qualitat i availability.
  • After-sale: El customer ha purchasat el brand i no es pot experimentar el producte o servei. Aquest és el temps quan la companyia té relacions relativeships amb customers i turn them in loyal customers.

By understanding the customer journey, companys can identify the points at which they can improve the customer experience. Aquests avantatges d'increïr-se en sals, greater customer satisfaction, i brand loyalty.

What are the benefits of mapping a customer journey?

Aquests són benefits per understanding el customer journey, inclòs:

  • Increesed sals: By understanding les puntes en les quals customers drop out de les jornades, companyies can identify areas where they can improve la customer experience and increase sales.
  • Increased customer satisfaction: By understanding needs and desires of customers, companyies can create more personalized experiences que satisfy customers.
  • Greater brand loyalty: By creating positive experiences, companyies can turn customers int loyal customers who will continue to buy from the brand in the future.

In conclusió, el customer journey és una senzilla utilitat per a l'any 2010, que volen crear un successful customer experience. By understanding it, companyies can create strategies to improve the customer experience and increase sales, customer satisfaction, and brand loyalty. Contact us now! 

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