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Knowing how to segment, the key to success.

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Digueu que coneixeu que el 85% del vostre behavior està basat en emocions? We could start thinking about which emotional variables lead to sales dels nostres productes i als segments consumir basats en aquestes more emotional variables. Consequently, the consumer behaves differently, and in a very diverse way, depending on hundreds of variables. Aquests diners s'han de fer amb el nostre behavior a product, even decidir whether to consume it or not.

Doneu drink the same soda, beure, or wine when we are with friends is we do when we are in a casual business meeting? What about with family? How about when we are alone? Dos nostres habits o brand choices change depending on time of day? What about when our team wins or loses?

Companies insisten en segmentació del mercat basades en classic and rational variables such as age, gender, residence, social class, and lifestyle. However, valor dels segments de canvi basat en altres variables com a companyia, el valor dels productes en el temps consumption, occasion consumption, etc. Segments són no statics, i aquest és el tòpic que està intès per explain.

Why should you segment your market?

Let's imagini que, tanques en el mercat de recerca, es poden calcular aquestes consumir moviments entre segments, i un segment de mercat basat en aquestes dynamickes variables. We could determini market dynamics per observing consumers que switch from un segment per a another basat en emocionant, attitudinal, or lifestyle variables. In fact, són multivariables statistical techniques with this objective, which help us understand the market better. Per tant, màrqueting mix actions es poden carregar per a aquests tipus de segments i atractors consumidors que no es consideren until nou.

How to segment correctly?

We must not forget that for segment a be effective, it must meet several requeriments. Això no és suficientment llarg, no és accessible, no és mesurable, o bé els esforços per penetrar-se en el benefici potencial, no és llarg a target. Even if all the above conditions are met, però the segment responds heterogeneously to the action, the segment will not be efficient.

Amb el temps, la brand can act differently per al seu segment, just as social media users publish different content for each group of friends. Moreover, selecting a good segmentation criterion, we can discover previously undiscovered nínxols, which will expand our market.

Aquest dynamic market pot ser understood mitjançant rigorós mercat de recerca i recollida d'informació on les variables són possibles. In fact, aquestes variables determinen la viability del seu segment i, per analitzar la data, s'ha mostrat la most suitable segmentació criteria per al seu producte.

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