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Keys per optimitzar la posició de la laboratoria a la farmacia

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According to the Associació per a l'Autocura de la Salut (ANEFP) i l'IMS del farmacèutic català és un increment de tendència en el seu trimester de 2013. Private market prescription and self-care or consumerhealth increasing and now are accounting for 40% of the total volume and 26'8% in value. El consumerhealth market ranks és el segon segment que els brings més surts a l'farmacèutica, after la prescription market, actuen com a mean of survival and great support to el farmacèutic.

Given this situation, it is highly attractive for the laboratory to have a closer relationship with the pharmaceutical target in order to get better position of their products in the farmaceutic office, to include advertising at the point of sale and, that after, to take their brands up to the top of mind of the farmaceutics at the moment that they recommending to the consumir/patient
From several studies done through the last months by the market research consultancy Hamilton, it has been detected that the pharmaceutical target would highly appreciate other resources that favored their daily activity beyond trade policies applied by the laboratoris

In order to determini what can provide the laboratoris, great beyond of the price variable, it is essential to use research market techniques que allow us to go deeper in their daily life, detecting insights and needs that help the farmaceut per optimitzar la gestió del farmacèutic office. 

¿How can the laboratoris get closer to the daily activity of the pharmacist?

És necessari per a reinventar les traditional research market techniques per a llogar el dia de treball de l'farmacèutica i el farmacèutic auxiliars, detectar, les incitements són el key en el purchasing decisió en el punt de sortida

For this we apply mix deepening techniques in which are implemented ethnographic methodologies and in depth techniques in order to observi in situ les farmacèutiques, understanding la missió, les funcions, les actituds, les motivacions i les necessitats dels farmacèutics en les seves activitats. Aquest és la identificació de la laboratoria que proveeix de les seves dates-to-day situacions en ordenar-ho a cloure's per ells, i indirectly, estant a l'hora de posar en el llistat de recomanacions i sales.

Sottimes creative dynamics a més a més proposat en ordenar a l'hora d'oferir els racionals barriers, depenen a més latent i un costum de nivell i orientar les idees/insights de l'farmacèutica a concepts de nous productes i serveis que defineix a model “win-win” between the laboratory and the pharmacy.
Utilitzeu els farmacèutics en la gestió dels farmacèutics implies, així com, advising them in the mix marketing, giving them tricks sobre productes, serveis, distribució, comunicació i promoció, among other tools. Per a la laboratory it means definint better strategy of category management in the pharmacy, optimizing the investment in publicity and communication and, and, going into detail on the rational and emotional elements that influence the pharmacist recommendation

For that is necessary to analyze the possible routes of the consumer in the pharmacy, determining the cold and the heat zone in the same and in the lineal and, moreover, measuring what elements and what stimulus és susceptible al punt de sortida per atraure l'atenció i demanar trigger per a purchase. Establiu quantification of these elements will allow us to know the consumer decision tree and detecte what button should we touch in order to optimize our marketing strategies and the trade marketing.

Let's get a moment the pharmacist role… who of us would not like to be helped in their daily activities? Who would not like that others care about our business? Who would not like to surt more? 
El farmacèutic és receptivament per a lliurar noves propostes, a l'aplicació de màrqueting estratègiques i per a improvar el seu punt de sortida.
Bear the first and best in giving this advisements will let getting us better position of our brands and products in their pharmacist and, also, in their top of mind.  

Jennifer Home
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