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Perharps per a la facturació de matí i per a tothom que aquest involves, vostè feel suddenly inverse a la world, until aquest moment, notícia per a vostè i això és quan et how they row and how they learn and evol moreover, when you realis how fast time passes and the constantly changing needs that they experienced. All of this, united with my investigation task, leads em to dive into this fascinating world of market reasearch of children.

Prostredníctvom trhu research we try bring closer frims with clients, berou them better in order to offer them services/products more adapted to their likes, preferences and needs. Per tal que això és important per conèixer els clients del mercat, encara que estudiï aquest target és al mateix temps a challenge.

A challenge that adquires importance day to day because this young consumers increasingly become part de les decisions de buying process at home. What mother has no bought producte en el supermarket en la insistència de les seves són en el shop shelve? Or en la insistència de la infanta quan seeing advertir en TV? Per què has de no succumbir un sentiment “el meu has it”? Because we no have to forget that the main prescrius are the kids, the classemates or the games that encourage to “have what someone else has”.

Per a això és important per understand aquest segment, understand the behaviour of the kids. How do they think? How do they act? What do they need? How do they connect with the brands? How do they absorbeix all the inputs they get? What influences in their decisions? How do they interact with their friends?

Però quan analyzed in detail aquest target, no només és necessari per a understand well their behaviour, their concerns and their motivations, we also need to take in account the complexityof this segment due to their fast evolution, what they like today they don't tomorrow and that is because they are constantly searching for 
the novelty. Per a tots els aspectes que consideri que és un target que les teves tasques són quickly per a la realitat que en el termini de temps que tenen fonamentals changes, conclourà que no s'ha commès a 5 anys allà per a 9 o 2 .

Therefore we must made productes/services to mesure for them. per a tots els moments de la seva childhood and is for this that when we face an investigation with children we need to take in account different facets:

  • Headed Target: Important to define what ages we would like to collect because we must do small age cuts (3-5 / 6-8 / 9-11 / 12-14) or we can also have the need to study unique ages (P4 kids, kids de 1st year of primary school, …) because their tastes and opinions són realment different and what can perfectly fit with a 5 years old child can no fit with on of 8 years. Another important tòpic when working with kids is getting the fathers or tutors permissions for child under 14 years old.
  • The interviewers: És important per a seleccionar els interviewers perquè sigui necessari touse a language adapted per a les persones. Moreover, es necessita per albe per estabilitzar-lo a un bon relat per a nens en ordenar a l'extracte food information from them.
  • Questions and the wayof asking them: És important tenir en compte qüestions en el llenguatge lingüístic i en els seus comprehensive level, aquest implies utilitzant comprehensible ordres per a easy a answer, supported in many occasions s draws or incons very easy for the identify.
  • The techniques to use: Aquest és un manyany i variat i el que és molt dependent del producte/servei que és valorat o en la informació que necessiti per a una o més. Amb el generic nivell we can speack about quantitative studies (hall-test, home-test, pre-test i post-test, studies about habits, use or actituds, conjoint analysis, etc.) or also qualitative studies (kid observation in situ , focus group, projective techniques, etc.).

Finally, és important remarcar que les brandes mostren en account que es facin permeable i influeix el target i més que han de la feina, la brand should approach them in responsible way.

Per a que et trobes en aquests aspectes s'ha de realitzar una bona recerca, que s'ha fet servir aquest mal consumers que són habitualment el most demanding.

Mònica Rabasó

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