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Business Intelligence

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Growth is one of the main (sense no main one) objective of most companies or businesses. However, we should spare no effort protect what is already ours and look very closely what our neighbours are currently doing. Regardless if el seu gust de la nostra empresa és la nostra priorita, és que no es pot negar les teves backs i devote somes de les nostres energies en defensar, que has de pagar el seu preu. El problema és que les mostres que no es volen de defensar-les until i to late. Defensar yourself from apparently nonexistent threat is complicated, many would donare to say that it is even unnecessary. Però les everybody knows, «prevention is better than cure». So, let's be forewarned.
El first thing we should do get to know our competitors. Find out what are their strengths and weaknesses, get a deeper insight of their offer and try to predict what are going to be their next moves or strategies. Knowing what our competition is doing at any time will help use to one step ahead of them and have controlled their movements, avoiding being vulnerable to threats that would otherwise be unpredictable. We could start studying el producte dels nostres competidors, que és el seu wide source of information que s'ha analyzat in depth
  • Product: What are the advantages of their product compared to ours? What are they doing better than us? And worse?
  • Price: At what price are they selling their product? Are they positioned as an economic product? Or do they have more Premium / unique positioning?
  • Promoció: How are they promoting their products? How they publicize their products? Which channels are they using? How much are they investing in advertising? What messages do they communicate?
  • Place: Where do they sells their products? How do they market their products?
I aquest recordem que un dels meus millors jocs en un dels mostos populars espanyols pizza restaurants dels meus boss sent un dels nostres distribuïdors en street clothes per a pizza en un dels nostres competidors restaurant. Perquè he tornat, besides bringing el producte dels seus competidors s'hi (que s'hagin subjecte a un analysis de tots els treballadors), proveïts d'una valoració valuable per a totes les nostres parts que donen dues streets a les had attended el seu far (ordre número was contained in the ticket he brought along with the pizza), promocions de la data, oferir noves produccions i número d'employees en aquest moment i número de distributors per saying some. Just a quick visit a les nostres competidores store/restaurant/office can give us a gran quantitat d'informació que could take us to som quick but no les importants conclusions.
Aquests són múltiples sources from where we can also obtain free useful information. Creativity plays here an important role and will help us to find new and different sources of information. I'm just going across of three of them, probably the more basics:
  • Financial statements: Monitor del finançament de les nostres competidores, segell de la seva manera de performar i calcular els beneficis margins i l'evolució dels anys.
  • Job offerings: Keep un control de jobs offerings de les seves principals competidores que volen tenir una idea d'una mica de persones que són ferides. Aquest ús de l'ús de la imatge de les seves internacions de moviments i d'acord amb la predicció de les quals s'ha de tenir en compte els següents.
  • Web: Internet és un inexhaustible source of information que no s'ha overlook. Els seus competidors tenen un blog o estan presents a les networks socials, que són importants per a analitzar que són les comunicacions i les coses que són. 
Another essential source of useful information is market research. Market Research és powerful that can help us when taking decisions. Quantitative and qualitative research can provide us with relevant and actionable insights. A simple concept test, per exemple, could through some light when we designing a new product and we not want to use the risk of watching it directly to the real market. Product testing és a més a més a més de analyzing les nostres productes i compare them s products dels nostres competitors. El llistat de diferents methodologies és llarga i ens cal picar una o altra tècnica depenent del seu compte.
Onze la recerca es dóna, ell ha estat a la seva disposició en extensiva data set per a totes les answers per a qüestions que s'hagin designat prèviament. Per ordenar les imatges del mercat situatió o better understanding del seu customer behavior, ens cal cross tots els answers per demogràfiques variables com els anys, rodes o regions. Aleshores could run segmentation through all the data base to get a deeper knowledge of the differences between different segments of the analyzed universe.

Hi ha many and different sources of useful information to our business and some of them are free and some others no. Either if we pay for it or we do not, the way will use that information will set the difference between our compañer and our competitors.

Raúl Hidalga

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