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Diffuse feelings with Campofrío

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It is one of the few times that it is difficult for us to classify a communication like Campofrío's. It's something like a "story-advertisement-movie."

This time Campofrío comes to surprise with the sentimental approach of a beautiful story that tells in the first person an "insight" that is very present in these times, "carpe diem"; It's interesting. Although not entirely innovative, as more and more brands have joined the sentimentality bandwagon. We have clear examples of communication with IKEA (the happiest is not the one who has the most but the one who needs the least) or AQUARIUS (life can give you second chances, don't give up and enjoy). "Enjoy life" and don't let your life become bitter with macroeconomic and microeconomic data.

As a brand element, we consider it correct that Campofrío wants to approach territories that are close to the consumer; of emotional empathy. Personally, we believe that it is what reaches the consumer the most in these times and little by little we have all been definitively positioning ourselves on that mountain of emotionality.

We rate “story-telling” a 10.

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