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Payment by card, a use that continues to grow

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It is a fact that the card has taken a fundamental role when making payments for our purchases and services. In recent years the number of card payments has not stopped growing in Spain (12.6% in 2017 according to the Bank of Spain), even in 2012, in the midst of the crisis, Spaniards made more than 2,250 million card operations , compared to the 1,830 million operations that were carried out in 2007.

On the contrary, cash withdrawal operations at ATMs have been decreasing over time. In 2007 there were a total of 1,011 million withdrawal operations compared to 933 million in 2017.

Hamilton also handles data from studies conducted on payment methods. According to the consultancy, the 50% of Spaniards aged 18 to 65 declare that their usual payment method is the bank card (either credit or debit), with convenience being the main advantage when making payment by card.

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