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2009 ends...waiting for 2010

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A new year of Hamiltonian life is ending, although I know that against the grain 2009 has been an excellent year, it started out hesitant but starting in April everything has gone at a very good pace of business. Happy with what I have learned and what remains to be learned, happy to contribute a small grain of sand to strategic research consulting and looking forward to 2010 to complete some projects that have been defined this quarter and that will be released. light at the beginning of the year.

I sense that 2010 will be a good year. I know that some will say that an optimist is a misinformed pessimist, but the run-run suggests the opposite.

I don't have any special wishes for the new year, but I do have many hopes for projects.

We wish you a happy exit to 2009 and a better entry into 2010, may it be a year of happiness, joy, health and projects to have fun and enjoy, which in the end is what truly matters.

To my colleagues and partners, thank you for making me a better person.
To my clients, thank you for sharing the experience of working with Hamilton and for putting up with strategic speeches and speeches.
To my suppliers, thank you for continuing in the gap of excellence.

And thank you all for the continuous learning and for the contributions to particular wisdom.

A hug,

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