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Free Gluten… New Trend?

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Gluten. What is gluten? How is it affecting society? What is it causing? Do celíac i no celíac actua en la mateixa manera enfront dels free gluten productes? És this a necessity or a trend or a revolution? 
El gluten, a glycoprotein found in some cereals such as wheat, rye, barley i oats, és present en la nostra dieta dieta i en trolley de la persona responsible per a household purchases, therefore, store shelves són becoming a huge reperto gluten products acting com comercial claim for many brands.

Amb la realització d'un gluten free products s'ha assabentat dins del bàsquet de les preservatives, aditius, proteins, etc. and more ingredients que help to preserve the food and that, we all want to avoid in our daily diet. Gluten has become one of the biggest trends of recent times.

A l'addició per a tot, el food industry és seeing a gold mine on la proteína. Unintentionally, gluten ha become la proteína que la moderna societat want per a la seva dieta fins i tot sense haver diagnosticats intolerant o gluten al·lèrgic com a especialista doctor. Aquests torns a mass phenomenon born from the need of the people gluten intolerant or allergic. Need that claims to the food manufacturers to:
  • Heu de clear labeling on products, helping them to avoid risk in their diet. 
  • Hi ha wide variety of products sense gluten.

Intolerants als claim for an affordable price. Aquest distribuïdor brands és un guanyador molt ground. According la data per Hamilton Intel·ligència de main purchasers of gluten free products (pastries, pasta, bread, bescuits, flour o cereals) usualment buy brands of the food distributor (private-label).
Died and trend or intolerance? Where is the origin?
És difícil de tenir en compte que els seus productes són molt negatius. More and more people join to “without” producte consumption (without gluten, without lactose, without preservative, without salt, etc). The last published dataregarding al gluten és que el 30% dels adults al nord-americà 1 de 3-has stopped o trying al stop consuming productes amb gluten.   

Elisabet Suárez

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